Gifted and Advanced Studies
What is a School for Advanced Studies?
Get Involved! Parent Link
Deep Thinking! Depth and Complexity Icons
Testing will Resume when In-Class Attendance Resumes
OLSAT-8 Administration
Once a schedule for reopening schools is announced, we will reassess the capacity to schedule a 2020 OLSAT-8 3rd grade administration for school sites that were not able to test during the March 18-19, 2020 testing window. If we can move forward with a fall OLSAT-8 administration, a testing center drop-off timeline will be announced.
(All 2nd Graders will take this test )
The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Eighth Edition (OLSAT-8) achievement test is a nationally standardized, norm-referenced, group administered measure of verbal and non-verbal school abilities for gifted/talented identification. The OLSAT-8 is not an intellectual assessment but rather an achievement test that focuses on areas that are valid measures of an individual’s ability to reason logically, i.e., detecting likenesses and differences, recalling words and numbers, defining words, following directions, classifying, establishing sequence, solving arithmetic problems and completing analogies.
Parent Informational Meetings:
Click Here for Information Letter and Dates/Locations of Parent Meetings
Check out things that are intersting and cause us to wonder how or why? @ Ian Byrd's Website!
Updates and Newsletters!
VEX IQ Robot Teams have completed another successful season!
Differentiated Instruction
Cool Apps!
Challenge Yourself with a Good Book!
GATE & SAS Upcoming Events
Beginning of Year Parent and Family Meeting 10/7 4pm
Monthly Family Meeting TBD December and April!
GATE/SAS Academies-NOW!
Robotics Team with Vex IQ
Differentiated Instruction/Enrichment Clubs
Classroom Support
Annual Testing
GATE/SAS Program Planning Meeting
Field Trips
Portfolio Assistance
School Choices for the Future
Conferences and Community Events!
CA Gifted Website
District GATE/SAS Parent Conference